Sunday, January 31, 2010

Why a blog?

My husband, H.B., is a storyteller.

Anyone who has sat around a dining room table with him, read our annual holiday card or seen some of his published work knows this.

A few years ago, our dear friend Shawn Dufraine, suggested that we start a blog.

Actually here’s exactly what he said:

“well, with a great sense of relief I got my Mok Card in the mail today, it was getting so close to Christmas and it hadn't shown up, I was afraid I had been dropped from the list, and I had that sort of year work-wise so I thought maybe it had been a total sweep, phew.

Once again awesome card … anyhow I think you should do a blog, not daily because then it seems like work, but with a promise of a bi-weekly or at least monthly update, and it could be like the cards, briefly highlighting events but sprinkled with words of wisdom and humanity, I mean a couple of paragraphs once a year is lovely, but your audience wants, nay demands, more.”

Well Shawn and anyone else who's interested, here tis. . .



At 7:28 AM, Blogger lindad said...

Great idea! It's already bookmarked.


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